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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Long Until The Hunger Games Comes Out (Revisited)

So I figured, its been a while since I last posted about how long it would be until the Hunger Games movie comes out so here is a revised edition, because time changes. ALL THE TIME, so naturally the amount of time until the Hunger Games movie comes out would change too.

So here is a revised list:

- The time it takes to complete 2.8 full moons (cycles)
- The time it takes to boil 20,168 medium sized eggs - one at a time
- The time it takes to boil 8096 jumbo sized eggs - one at a time (it takes like 15 minutes per egg according to google)
- The time it takes to watch Avatar 749 times (710 if you buy the re-release) 
- The shelf-life of a quiche is 5 days, so the shelf life of 16.88 quiches each brought in after the last one.
- The lifespan of 12 poorly cared for goldfish (one week each), they’re probably mine....
- The lifespan of 4 and a half caterpillars (relatively normal ones) 
- The time it takes to listen to The 4 Chord Song by Axis of Awesome 19,618 times 
- The time it takes to sit through 1012 Mercy Masses.
- The time it takes to watch ONE OF THE BEST NCIS EPISODES EVER: Truth or Consequences 2024 times 

- The time it takes ME to read the entire Hunger Games series 66.36 times (I'm getting there) Honestly this one is the best way to pass the time...well I guess you could also go to school. 

Freedom until February! FUF!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Christmas is that reflective time of year. A time to think back on 2011. My year 9 School year. Right now I'm going to reflect upon the last week. The VERY last week. EXAM WEEK.

I don't really study for exams. I study in class, but at home I do whatever else it is that I do (but I can assure you 100% that its not studying)

So day 1/3 in exam week I turn up pretty pleased with myself, I like exams.

Pretty soon it turns out that the rest of the school doesn't.

So I make my way down to the place where we must wait to enter the exam room and I find my friends in various stages of panic/stressful-ness:

Case 1. (From Left people, we go from left): Is called 'BLIND' Blind being when you are very focused on that last minute revision, so focused that you cannot attempt to walk without triggering a mass-explosion and require someone to guide you.

Case 2. 'REMEMBER' Remember is when you are trying to remember important information or memorize quotes (Our first test was english) While on your way to an exam. You don't let other people talk to you while you do this. Be warned 'REMEMBER' can sometimes transform into AGRO (not listed)

Case 3. 'WAITING' Generally case three people have got it down. They can't be bothered fussing over the exam (either because they don't care or they're pretty cool with the subject) This means they'll be more efficient all morning, causing them to get places faster and wait for their friends to catch up.

Case 4. 'ASK' Case four people often wander around getting reassurance from others, they feel prepared but not prepared at the same time. Ask people act like yoyo's all morning

Case 5. 'HELP' These people help, they assist and chat. People in case five can easily evolve to case four if there is no one else around.

Case 6. 'PLOTTING' These people have had their exam cheat sheet mapped out from the beginning of term, the feel giddily superior to all the case 1, 2 and 4 people as they have a safety escape. Can be spotted by the look of cunning in their eyes, the tell-tale 'I got away with it' smile or writing on their skin. (In the case of this particular Exam day the case six girl had it on her legs)

And these were my friends. I think I would have been a case 3 or 5.

In the exam room we had to write an english essay. I became bored. Very quickly:

This exam was stupid. I also had the wonderful luck of sitting at the very back of the room. I don't even know if it was lucky. But its a detail I thought you should know. Anyway I became very bored.

So I left.

Well, I didn't really leave. But most of the time my mind just drifted and I sat there tapping my pencil. Then a teacher would give me a look and I would stare somewhere else. Teachers have an obsession with variety. You need lots of it apparently. If your going to stare, stare in 5 different places over the space of 30 minutes. Not in the one spot. PICKY.

Day two was really hot. Somehow three of us ended up squatting on the ground.

 It was a little odd because we were in a crowd of 200 other year 9's but it was so much cooler down there. So we squatted in a crowd as we prepared with mini convos for our next exam.

So at some point I would finish my exam. Sometimes before time was up. I felt like pure AWESOMENESS

Its was a great moment.

And then it would die, and I would become bored.

So my imagination would take hold and this sort of thing would happen right in the exam room:

*ignore the unicorn*
'But I'm an awesome unicorn!?'
*The events pictured below occur*

I interrupted so many exams after that.  On day three it was really hard to ignore that unicorn. it would just slide its head into my vision ......'sup?'...... and then after ten minutes ......'NEIGH!!!!'
It was VERY distracting.
I nearly trampled someone. Twice.

During day three, but in fact this happen EVERY EXAM (because of my unfortunate position at the back) Teachers would walk past or behind my desk and then just stand there. It was IMPOSSIBLE TO CONCENTRATE

Like this: 'Oh hey. I'm just gonna stand behind your desk and discreetly peer at your work. Is that okay?'
No. It is not.

But during my time spent in exams I came up with the perfect reaction 'Hey, how about I put a bomb in your suit, is that okay?'

Thats what I thought.

And so that was my Exam week, I forgot to bring my drink bottle to exams. It sent me a postcard but refused to give away its location:

Its a crappy drawing, I'm sorry. Oh well

And that dear reader is my Christmas-time reflection on the ending of year nine. but more specifically EXAM WEEK


Friday, October 14, 2011

Its too hot.

Ok, its official. Summer is back. (No I'm not crazy - I'm from Australia, its summer here)

Basically I'm glad I was wearing my summer unifor, not my winter (like some of my friends were).

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Australian Google Questions

So you know how when you type into google and it suggests the most popular words (that come after the words you've typed) Like when you type 'when does' and it gives you 3 possible things that have been looked up so often that you might be wanting to look them up too. Know that?

Well, this person on Youtube (RoyStClair) Made a video about these questions, but then I thought. He doesn't live in Australia. He probably didn't use australian google. So here are a few things that australians apparently needed a search engine to know:

And for the record I only typed in like, two words - but every time I highlighted an option the whole sentence filled out my search bar (and it looks like I typed in the whole question) I assure you I did not!

"What if a ginger kid bites me?" Indeed, the 'kid', by adulthood the ginger is no longer contagious.....

"Why does my cat lick me?" - WHY ARE YOU LETTING YOUR CAT LICK YOU? Spray it with water or something!

I just picked this one because it show how clever we are (and that we can read paper instruction manuals!)

Who indeed....

I don't know, most people just wing it. Practice is unnecessary 

Hell yes! he can (as many on wikianswer would vouch)

Well, so long as vampires don't start existing, then no.

It would seem that just the small minority can't be stuffed with the census....

Movie-Dumbledore's explanation = Fail,  the nose is a mystery far greater than mankind itself...

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while (I have plenty to post about) but I am back at school (working hard, although I just put off Biology Homework in favor of youtube), so I'll see you later. With a better post, and every time I promise I'll post soon and in quick succession I come through, so yeah

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How long till the Hunger Games Movie comes out....

Hi, I've been unwell for some time now. Anyway during my time which has mainly comprised of sleeping, eating and taking panadol I have somehow found the time to be bored (I've just finished watching my NCIS rental DVDs twice) So I was thinking 'I wish the hunger games movie would hurry up and get on the big screen' I proceeded to my blog where I discovered:

188 Days until the Hunger Games Movie comes out. seriously. 

So I've created a time comparison of the 188 days. So here, in all seriousness is how long until the Hunger Games Movie comes out: 

- The time it takes to complete 7 full moons (cycles)
- The time it takes to boil 67,680 medium sized eggs - one at a time
- The time it takes to boil 45,120 jumbo sized eggs - one at a time
- The time it takes to watch Avatar 1671 times 
- The shelf-life of a quiche is 5 days, so the shelf life of 37.6 quiches each brought in after the last one.
- The lifespan of 27 poorly cared for goldfish (one week each), they’re probably mine....
- The lifespan of 9 caterpillars (relatively normal ones) 
- The time it takes to listen to The 4 Chord Song by Axis of Awesome 43,177 times 
- The time it takes to sit through 2,256 Mercy Masses.
- The time it takes to watch ONE OF THE BEST NCIS EPISODES EVER: Truth or Consequences 6,578 times  (I’ve only watched it 4 times) 
- The time it takes to travel to the moon 58 times
- The time it takes to travel from Sydney to Hawaii 429 times 

PS: When I tried to type 'panadol' the spell check said it wasn't a word and suggested 'pandas' instead. Yep, I'm sick and taking pandas

So WOO! Here is a picture:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hey, people seem to want to know how to use a bookshelf widget...

I'm serious. They do. And so everyone I will put a shelfari bookshelf widget onto my blog (bottom of page) and show you now, step by step, how I did it.

Step one, go to your Shelfari homepage. There is a button on the side that says 'widgets'

Magnified Once

Magnified twice

Magnified Thrice

Now, one you click 'widgets' you will be directed to this page: 
Don't worry if yours doesn't have all that writing, they're just other widgets I've made for other things.

Click on 'Create New Widget' 
Then you'll get this page:

Then select your website platform: Blogger (me!) Typepad or Wordpress. Then you'll go here:

Follow the prompts on this page until you hit continue. Then you'll be onto 'style your widget' 
After this is done you'll be onto 'Save and Publish'

The page will look like this:
Copy this text code:                                    

Then once you've copied it (just computer copy okay? Don't write it all down) Leave the page.

Go to your blog edit page thingo, (this one is ) and click on design.

 Select one of the 'Add Gadget' Templates, don't worry if its not in the place you want it to be, you can drag it around later, or even before you click 'Add Gadget' (if you want). Anyway this pop-up should pop-up. (How original are internet terms?)
The one you are looking for should come under 'Basics' its the HTML/JavaScript thing.

 When you click on it, this pop-up will appear:
Paste what you copied into the 'content' section, title the shelf however you like.

Hit save, you should return to the design page. Save all design changes you have made to your blog and view it. 

So anyway, check out the blog: 
its good.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My creepy neighbours....

I decided to hit the 'next blog button' at the top of my page to discover what other people were blogging about. Stop reading now if you don't witness my transformation into a troll.

Okay, you seem to have read this far. It took me two clicks to reach a blog named 'name not disclosed because I can't be stuffed remembering it' This blog, is what I guess I could call my neighbour, a blog two clicks down from mine. And it was shocking, quite hilarious really.

First off I come across this gem of a post:
At first, when I was reading I thought that they were joking around 'Bike rides with God!!' 

But they weren't.

The post continued to quote and reference the bible. Relating scriptures to things like grass, rocks, cracks in unused paths, people in cars as opposed to people on bikes. This guy had a full on spiritual journey on his bike! I'm pretty sure that God wasn't riding his bike, you know. He's not Santa, he probably gave his bike to Jesus. Who in turn came to earth and tried to baptize the bike by throwing it over some cliff. That holy bike still sits at the bottom of the ocean today.

Anyway I read the slightest little inklings of this post which included: 
'Everything in this world is going to try and keep you from staying on the narrow path to McDonalds. to get you to quit, to defeat make you give up, buy a car, stop riding your bike, stop calling Jenny craig, stop passing on those french fries. . . . BUT Jesus says its going to be hard but oh so worth it! 

Let me stop here for a moment, and present you with a number of other things that Jesus (as found on google) claims  'hard but oh so worth it!' #1 being the topic most websites were about, getting less and less popular the higher the number:

- #8 Jesus suggests buying a solid shampoo bar - its hard (literally) but oh so worth it!

- #7 Keeping your head up (while swimming, I guess) - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #6 Jesus advises to help your deb date look nice - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #5 Jesus suggests creating a killer app - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #4 Jesus' Guide to Marriage - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #3 Jesus' Potty Training - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #2 Jesus suggests 'Raise your Kids!' - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

-  #1 Jesus suggests: Slim Down Detox Diet - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

I think I'll have fun with my new neighbour (lucky they have no chance of actually finding my blog...) By the way I just discovered that his name is Jeff, his about section is very informaing. His name is pretty much all it can tell me. Well, that and .......

I'll be posting again soon, seeya.

I can't get my bloody bookshelf back!

I am very annoyed. Annoyed with the fact that I can't put a bookshelf at the bottom of my page. It is very irritating. So instead I've added a number of other cool gadgets - like the Hunger Games Widget, the two surveys down the side, a 'featured comments' thing down the bottom.

Also I was invited to be an editor on a website YAY! (well like, not an important one anyway. Just some random as I am)
So back to the point, I need to know when/what sort of widgets I should be putting in on the side. Anything special? I may put in some more countdown widgets (however these might be for books you don't know about ect)
Plus I have found out some devastating news - I WILL BE ON A SCHOOL TRIP WHEN THE HUNGER GAMES COMES OUT!

But the way, you can find a link to the official Hunger Games Teaser Trailer Here:  

It isn't just for the US, anyone from any region can access youtube so YAY! Who's excited - I AM!!!
And so yes, I will be in France on the 23rd of March. But I have not given up hope. If I happen to be with my host family, on one of those days where we can go out and do anything then maybe...just maybe....the movie might be in english and over there, and I could go see it! However there would be subtitles which could get distracting (no way am I seeing dubbed) And I'll be off to check that in just a moment!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



Guess what - too late I'm going to tell you: THE HUNGER GAMES IS GOING TO BE A MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres the official teaser poster:

Isn't it amazing? Ok so the Hunger Games is a book series, which, by the way, is AWESOMELY amazing. It had me crying my eyes out and spending a whole day reading, only stopping when I got threats like 'your sister is going to eat your food if you don't get here this minute' so effectively I only stopped to eat, and sleep (and I only really slept cause it was necessary) 
By the way it only took me under about eight hours to finish it. 

BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!!!! The point is that now I've finished the whole series. So I googled to see if there was a movie - and there is - and its nearly done!!!! 

I am so excited. (you couldn't tell could you?) 

Anyway I am going to spend them remainder of my time jumping up and down trying to get people to read the damn thing. (By the way if YOU haven't read it, you should, its quite short (I made up the eight hours thing because I have some kind of lapse in time-memory-recall where I don't actually know how much time has passed without looking at a clock) and back to my point of READ IT, preferably before the movie comes out, movies tend to make people lazy)

Honestly this book got me like no other before it (and people I've read twilight, Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments - also becoming a movie (but I hate the main character, Hunger Games is better), Vampire Academy, The Luxe, Inkheart, The divide) I was crying after the first chapter! The first people! 

So um, yeah, you should probably go and read that know..if you can be bothered.......


Update: I just added a Hunger Games countdown widget. I find it quite hilarious that it keeps burning after the music bit. So if you are suddenly trapped in an awkward conversation/silence. Open up this blog and your awkward silences can be highlighted by this weird burning sound. Sorry if its annoying. But it was necessary. 

PS: There may be some other changes to the blog, but I'll be altering them after I post this so yeah.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Childhood Misadventures of Brother and I


And now down to business.

When I was small, a prep or perhaps it began when I was even younger, my brother and I like to be 'mischievous' and sneak out at night. We'd been sent to bed, as you are when you are small. So we would 'spy crawl' down to un-neccassarily long hallway (ducking through sliding door and checking if the coast was clear) now the real problem (as my sister and I would discover countless times years later) is that in order to get to the kitchen (our destination) the door to the lounge must be open. If it is closed you clearly have to open it. Which makes noise, too much noise. Of course noise doesn't matter if the parentals are asleep.

But they weren't. In fact, on most of our 'missions' our parents always seemed to be awake. I think it increased the risk factor and made it way more fun. This particular time Mum and Dad were watching a movie, the door was slightly open, each 10 seconds we'd more the door a centimeter wider, untill we could slip through. I'm pretty sure the movie was titanic.

Brother and I hurried in, hiding behind the crouch, being the skillful ninjas we were, we didn't make a sound.

Bad picture, but you get the idea. From there we would sneak into the kitchen, steal a cup, locate the lolly (from memory I believe they were MnM's) hiding place and fill it up.

Then under the cover of night we'd leave, otherwise we'd act like those creepy children in movies (which we hadn't seen, it was all natural, we didn't know what we were doing) and hang around. climbing onto high benches and watching/staring (like stalkers) our parents.

I think they could kind of sense that we were there like a presence, lingering, a ghost hiding there....

Anyway, this would carry on, most of the time we were caught and sent back to bed, or we got bored and gave ourselves up. We had quite the obsession with sweet things. We used to get the sugar bowl and shove teaspoons of sugar into our mouths.

There was also this really tasty sweet stuff, I don't remember what it was called. Some sort of energizer name. Anyway it was a bright orange powder, probably the kind of stuff body builders put into water or something. The point was we really liked to eat it, it tasted like fizzy oranges, so as with the sugar we'd get a-hold of the tub and heap tea-spoons into our mouths. The parents did not approve 

One night my brother and I tried a different approach, I don't know how we pulled it off but we tried the 'wait until after closing hours' technique, like in those jewel heists where they wait in the toilets. Mind you we were like 5 and 6 years old so we did pretty well. At the time we had these:

(Now we have blinds) But the point was that we had such tiny bodies that we could wrap ourselves inside an opened one of these curtains and no one would be any the wiser. We had also pretended to go to bed beforehand (stuffing pillows and soft toys under our blankets, the hair was very realistic. By age 9 I was a pro at making fake-sleeping bodies)

Once everyone had left we got to work, getting to the kitchen, collecting spoons and shutting ourselves up in the pantry. We soon found the 'attempted to be hidden' orange powder stuff. We feasted.

Meanwhile the Dad re-entered the lounge-kitchen room and our uncle was with him.  Which we weren't too concerned about, although we had to turn the pantry light off (which was activated by the pantry door so we had to shut it) so we had not light but that was okay.

We whispered about our dad and uncle and watching them through the crack in the door. We had a few close calls where we thought the were going to open the cupboard (which is essentially what the pantry is, you can fit in one person, or in our case, two small children)

They went to watch the TV and just when we thought we'd gotten away with it my uncle was back:

He was very confused, he actually found it very hilarious (being my dads younger brother he would find it funny that his older brothers two 5/6 year old kids were playing tricks on him)

we were not so happy. Our plan was bust.

And we were sent to bed. Our family went through a number of those orange tubs. I don't really remember why or how we stopped getting them, I do remember though, at one point when I was in junior primary school. My brother hid a tub under the decking so that we could access it whenever we wanted, although his new partner in crime was that kid from next door. And I'd found I enjoy being the boss by partnering up with my younger sister. Who was also very fun because not only did she like stealing food and sneaking around. But she also like dolls.

Sometimes we did things in threes, sometimes my brother and I did things to my younger sister (before she joined up with us) But I'll write about that later.