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Monday, August 29, 2011

My creepy neighbours....

I decided to hit the 'next blog button' at the top of my page to discover what other people were blogging about. Stop reading now if you don't witness my transformation into a troll.

Okay, you seem to have read this far. It took me two clicks to reach a blog named 'name not disclosed because I can't be stuffed remembering it' This blog, is what I guess I could call my neighbour, a blog two clicks down from mine. And it was shocking, quite hilarious really.

First off I come across this gem of a post:
At first, when I was reading I thought that they were joking around 'Bike rides with God!!' 

But they weren't.

The post continued to quote and reference the bible. Relating scriptures to things like grass, rocks, cracks in unused paths, people in cars as opposed to people on bikes. This guy had a full on spiritual journey on his bike! I'm pretty sure that God wasn't riding his bike, you know. He's not Santa, he probably gave his bike to Jesus. Who in turn came to earth and tried to baptize the bike by throwing it over some cliff. That holy bike still sits at the bottom of the ocean today.

Anyway I read the slightest little inklings of this post which included: 
'Everything in this world is going to try and keep you from staying on the narrow path to McDonalds. to get you to quit, to defeat make you give up, buy a car, stop riding your bike, stop calling Jenny craig, stop passing on those french fries. . . . BUT Jesus says its going to be hard but oh so worth it! 

Let me stop here for a moment, and present you with a number of other things that Jesus (as found on google) claims  'hard but oh so worth it!' #1 being the topic most websites were about, getting less and less popular the higher the number:

- #8 Jesus suggests buying a solid shampoo bar - its hard (literally) but oh so worth it!

- #7 Keeping your head up (while swimming, I guess) - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #6 Jesus advises to help your deb date look nice - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #5 Jesus suggests creating a killer app - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #4 Jesus' Guide to Marriage - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #3 Jesus' Potty Training - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

- #2 Jesus suggests 'Raise your Kids!' - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

-  #1 Jesus suggests: Slim Down Detox Diet - sometimes hard but oh so worth it!

I think I'll have fun with my new neighbour (lucky they have no chance of actually finding my blog...) By the way I just discovered that his name is Jeff, his about section is very informaing. His name is pretty much all it can tell me. Well, that and .......

I'll be posting again soon, seeya.

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